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Monday, 17 October 2016

Poisonings Symptoms For Pet


Here are some symptoms your pet might

show if they have ingested a poison:

1. Weakness
2. Disorientation
3. Vomiting
4. Tremors
5. Seizures
6. Salivation (excessive)

Poisonings Symptoms For Pets
If you witness your pet ingesting a poison or if you suspect your pet has been poisoned, call a veterinarian immediately. If the source of the poisoning is known, keep the container beside you when calling the veterinarian as information on the packaging is important in order to determine the appropriate treatment. If the source is unknown and your pet is showing suspicious symptoms, seek veterinary care for your pet immediately. Treatment to counteract the poison or its effects should be started as soon as possible.

PETVEDA  products are a set of solution based pet grooming products that help maintain your pets’ hygiene and healthy skin and coats. Good grooming is especially important for animals with long hair and those that have trouble keeping themselves clean. It is believed that taking care of this essential need of these animals not only makes them feel comfortable but helps them live a better life .

Treat the digestive tract - Many yeast infections start in the dog's digestive tract which can then leak out and manifest as skin problems.   Adding probiotics and supplements to your dog's diet will help to keep the yeast at a manageable level preventing this break-out from occurring.

If you know more about Petveda Products visit

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